Because whilst every word in that sentence sounds great - most firms say the exact same thing so it doesn't really help you distinguish one firm from another. If you check https: office 473112 backhouse-solicitors-ltd" the page for thi... That's because law firms are one of the few service providers where the losing side often comes online to criticise the firm that beat them. . We never know what fraudsters will come up with next though so just keep aware of the sites you're on and never discuss payments vi... The latter means that you have nothing to pay whether your case wins or loses . Unlike other services such as hairdressers, restaurants, or a car wash - most people don't rush online to share their experience about a messy divorce, life-changing injury, or embarrassing bank... But it stands out to us . For example those firms stating 'founded in 1881' or even older dates. class="infoquote "Dianne Sumner has over twenty-five years' experience of helping people move house. a genuinely local firm but with a much larger firm's resources behind... The first is merely how long the firm's brand name has been active. This can be very confusing, but 9 times out of 10 the firm is well within it's rights to use the word. Surely an enviable staff selection for any firm to have? It should hopefully mean wise, seasoned heads... If you https: person 164931 catherine-louise-hyde" check the page for< a> Catherine herself as well, you'll see a qualification date in 2011. They are not related companies. (5x2=10) That's another great use for the law society website be... So whilst there is no solicitor in the firm with the full 50 years' experience, we certainly can't say they are lacking it. The firm does have some testimonials on their website of which here are some snippets: class="infoquote "Dharmini and Pooja provided very profess... As she works on her own her website is therefore much more focused in providing information about her. Just watch out for Google always sneaking rival adverts in. But what about experience? Normally we're able to point you to several resources to help you check the backgro... They provide far, far more than any of their rival organisations on the user side including office locations, aka business names, alternative contact details, and most importantly - the qualification dates and areas of law each solicitor within a firm specialises in. With ... There are a huge number of things that can go wrong which are completely out of your solicitor's control.
class="infoquote "We pride ourselves in putting the client interest at the heart of everything we do."< div>
Every law firm will make statements like this ... Negative ratings aren't always deserved.
class="infoquote "call us today for a free, no obligation chat"< div>
A quick note on navigation as there are a few things we spotted. Sadly, this honest description of theirs is actually much rarer than you might think! ...
The majority are very positive and (unusually) very long and well written with plenty of information about what work was being done, the names of people handling the case, and specific aspects they liked. Normally you have to dig through several 'Excellent! Would re... Luckily for potential clients in England and Wales, the local law society covering those countries is the best we've seen . So when you see very few or even zero reviews for a law practice - that's not a negative sign. In our articles and in the legal help search database w... Typically it's only cases such as litigation where firms may do considerable work upfront with an aim to getting paid near the end of the case instead. But it's really a meaningless statement. This includes direct access barristers, non-legal solutions, and mediation service...
Coming back to the differences in setup mentioned before, a law chambers is not like a law firm of solicitors. Especially if there isn't much extra independent information to base a decision on instead.
. If you search the usual comment boards such as Google, Trustpi... Of course, if a firm is included in our database then it means we think very highly of them. The claim following this one on the Frazer Coogan website is a little stronger though , stating that the current Senior Director (Norman Geddes) has:
class="infoquote "... It... In fact, just a couple of years ago almost a quarter of firms on our own network were not https secure. But they certainly sound as if they take their role in consumer information seriously. They will all still be the positive comments, but https: testimo...
class="infoquote "The firm ... The other two mean they've simply added up the years of all the staff (e.g. So what are previous clients saying? Certainly there are a bunch of testimonials on the Bridge McFarland website. If you've already been through a dozen law firm... There was also only one similarly named firm of Woodstock Solicitors. It stands to reason though. Our poll a few years back resulted in only 8% of you saying you even read them.
So when we came across Woodstock Legal Services it was a pleasant surprise to discover t... But we've seen negative reviews of solicitors by people angry they refused to handle their specific type of case. By 'regular' we don't mean they are average. They have three offices in Leeds, Harrogate, and Pontefract. A good mix of wise old heads alongside fresh young leg...
class="infoquote "Our solicitors have the experience to go beyond simply answering your legal questions"< div>
It currently shows that Brown & Co solicitors have staff qualified across the past three decades including David Dunitz (qualified 1988), Ian Sandy (qu...
class="infoquote "We are a firm of Solicitors who specialise in civil litigation. The one review we did see:
class="infoquote "provided a really helpful and professional service to help me make a claim"< div>
was obviously very positive . The usual amount i... Most people that end up on our site have usually already scrolled through a dozen or so law firm sites before getting here. Many companies have created Testimonial pages on their website.
We've worked with law firms for over 20 years and the things we look for on a l... For example, this morning the other law firm we wrote an article on had a 5 star rating for their 'excellent desserts'.
OneLaw certainly has at least one other independent body backing up their claims as well, being https: firms 232573-onelaw-chambe... For example, we did see one negative review about this firm on Google where the person gave one star and said simply that it was bad customer service. This tells you what each solicitor works on. Some even use identical images of people in suits smiling and shaking hands. T... We've written over 200+ articles on legal service providers in the UK with tips on what to look for when trying to get legal help, resources you can use, and things to avoid.
However the usual security concerns we point out are much less pressing when it comes to immi...
Please check out the new US Law Firm Reviews section on our sister site.
class="infoquote "We understand that our clients often need meetings outside the traditional Monday to Friday 9-5"< div>. Sound results."< div>
Most companies use words such as modern, practical, friendly, professional, experienced, etc in their website text and... The age of the actual brand name over the door at that point seem quite irrelevant.
class="infoquote "Flexible, quality service by experienced staff. Excellent recovery rates"< div>
We would never generally recommend one firm over another as each client's indivi... This may provide a whole extra set of https: blog " free help articles< a> which might be of use. Almost obsessed. Plus this would also indicate they stay very much up to date with the huge number of changes constantly affecting businesses in the UK and i... Prior to access being available you had to pay a solicitor to hire a barrister to deal with certain court matters. On some occasions this can mean you're paying two firms for the job one could do. Hence the reason for us breaking with tradition over testimonials.
clas... a dedicated criminal defence practice specializing in high-profile, complex cases, often with an international dimension"< div>
They then branched out into other areas of law as the firm grew. We didn't have to search through the small print to find out. For example, th... It also has a few quirks that will allow us to discuss important things to pay attention to when researching the best firm for your specific needs. But the main reason people probably prefer the third party independent review boards is that they will also include any negativ... So if a firm accepts Legal Aid clients at all, then that's an instant brownie point from us. The article before that was about a firm that has merged four times causing big branding changes each time. Entering such will bring up an error or redirect you elsewhere depending... The law and requirements are complex and they are always changing."< div>
This second quote from the firm's own website highlights why some areas of law require a specialist that pretty much eats, sleeps, and drinks their craft.
But not all specialists are the sa... That's coming from someone who has been in the legal industry for over 20 years and had to seek out divorce lawyers twice. So how can you tell the difference between firms if they all say they have experience and expertise? Luckily Stowe Family Law are listed on the website ... So what are the independent forums saying?
class="infoquote "highly professional and super helpful"
"professional and approachable, explaining anything I wasn’t sure about"
"extremely efficient with clear and concise communication"
"very knowledgeable, expe... "I" have a vast amount of experience. There are even options to resolve matters without using a solicitor at all such as Mediation in divorce proceedings. Why people fall for that, we don't really know. These days though, it's clear people want specialists for everything. T...
The problem is mostly with property matters and conveyancing as https: watch-out-for-conveyancing-fraud " fraudsters have managed to scam multi-millions< a> out of people buying selling a home. Working within the legal industry we think it should prob... Because we're trying to get people directly in touch with a legal professional which they can evaluate and choose themselves - claims management companies don't generally fit our mould. If a firm is regulated properly then they will state so along with their number on thei... The official site is and currently doesn't not redirect there. So if things have gone bad, it hasn't affected their outward image. The number of large multi-office firms only seems to increase due to some smaller businesses mer... You may think it's standard for all solicitors to provide free initial chats. Such as needing to watch out for people who simply can't search properly. One reviewer states - "Lovely foods, friendly staff". William Ho qualified as a solicitor in 1989, Ruby Bhatti in 1997, Ars...
https://burtonandco: Each Saturday we offer a drop in service where you can come in and meet our legal experts and learn more about our services."< div>
A quick note on navigation. To start off we should try to clarify that 'QualitySolicitors' is not an actual law firm with 100 locations. ... We've even seen a divorce client leave a one star rating on a criminal law firm for not handling divorces. Sometimes they end up pushing the original name into the background in favour of the new branding. It can therefore be a good idea not to type important web addresses... The branding is always Beers LLP but searches such as 'beers solicitors' or 'beer llp' still brought the correct firm to the top of the results. If there are several negative comments related to being uncontactable - that's a good thing to note. It's true the majority of f... The main reason we dislike such claims is that typically a firm claiming to have hundreds of years history are doing so because they have nothing much else to boast about. So giving the impression they are well established and experienced is their last gambit for impressin... Again, you would think this to be common practice amongst all firms. However is owned by a different firm (not an existing legal practice) and is owned by a law office in the USA. Never discuss payments or bank details via email.
This is hugely important because of the immense number of scams involving property matters. Unfortunately even the best firm out there will end up with complaints about delays in property sales. While many people are quite happy to provide bucketloads of detail in re...
For this we'll be using the website of JPS Walker Solicitors as our example. We did find some reviews for JPS Walker:
class="infoquote "really helpful through-out our claim"
"Great solicitors, professional, friendly"
"successfully managed to secure us d... The logos of each publication are there, but we couldn't see any links to click and confirm what it meant. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. Quite often negative ratings are left by the side the law firm be... The obvious inference being that the older the company, the more experience they must have. The second means there are no costs to you at all throughout the entire case, win or lose. That might not sound like something amazing, but in reality the majority of legal profession... Of course many firms post testimonials themselves on their site.
You'll may also see negative reviews from people who weren't even using the reviewed firm's services. So from that it looks like we have two firms with clear experience and establishment in the area com... Since the huge shake up to legal aid in the 90s, solicitors now mostly offer to run claims cases for free. Whilst we often have unique reasons for adding a firm to our network such as specialising in a ridiculously niche area of law or an alternative type of solution such as...